What are diversity quotas and how do they differ to diversity targets?
In this blog, Linda Stewart, Diversity & Employment Law Specialist at EW Group, explores the impact of diversity quotas and targets in achieving D&I goals.
Diversity quotas, targets and goals and their effectiveness in achieving diversity in the workplace have been much debated. Linda explains what is lawful in the UK, and some of the differing approaches in countries such as Norway, France and Germany.
Diversity quotas – quotas are time bound, measurable objectives usually set by an external body with authority to impose penalties for non-compliance.
Diversity targets – targets are also time-bound, measurable objectives which focus the business on taking key actions to achieve them. They differ from quotas in that the individual business is responsible for setting its diversity targets alongside any penalties for failure to achieve them.
Diversity goals – are broad, aspirational statements of intent adopted by the business. They needn’t be time-bound nor measurable although they often are.
Read the full blog post to learn more and find out how EW Group can help you achieve your diversity goals. EW Group is the leading EDI consultancy in the UK. Get in touch to discuss how they can support your diversity and inclusion journey.